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Members & Friends Picnic -- Sept. 15

Time for our annual picnic!  It's for members and their family & friends.  It's at our usual place, Jaycee Park in Troy.  

Here's the schedule for Sunday, September 15:

  • 1 pm -- Set up for the picnic -- come and help or just come and watch and chat with friends
  • 2 pm -- Meeting (we'll keep it short!)
  • about 3 pm -- Food!!

Bring a side dish or dessert to share.  Club provides the Wurst, buns, condiments, and refreshments (beer, wine, water, soft drinks).  $10/person.  Pay when you arrive.

If you haven't already signed up, please call Annette Edelhauser (248.840.1953) by Sept. 12 to let her know how many will attend.  Friends and family of members are welcome!

Where:  Jaycee Park, Long Lake Road between John R & Rochester