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Fun Events Added to the Schedule

We have a huge schedule over on the right hand side of the screen. Two more were added just this week.  Take a look at March 23 -- we're going to Toledo for the annual Frühschoppen! Great food, beer, and friends is part of the day, the other part is dancing on the terrific wooden floor at the Bavarian Sports Club Hall.  It's well worth the drive!  

The second added event is the Gauverband Nordamerika Gaukapelle coming to town on June 21 to practice for the upcoming Gaufest.  About 10-15 people from all over the east coast will come to Detroit to practice along with the musicians from Edelweiss. You're welcome to sit in for the practice at the GACC Hall but you have to stay nice and quiet. In the evening the gang will head over to our Chiemgau friends at Heimat Windsor to play music and have fun. You're invited to join (and can make all the noise you want). Just let Eric Walker know so he can give Windsor a headcount.

There's plenty of other events on the schedule -- meetings, picnics, Bezirksfest, Gaufest, and some GACC activities. As details are known, they'll be added to the information in the schedule.