Gedächtnismesse, Sunday, Nov. 9 

The Gedächtnismesse is an annual memorial mass in honor of our deceased members, especially those who have passed away since our last memorial. Part of the mass is in German, and Edelweiss members provide the music. It is followed by a luncheon in the church hall; please bring a dish to share.  Edelweiss members wear Trauertracht.  Anyone else attending is invited to wear Tracht as well.  Our friends from the Austrian Club also participate as do other members of the German community.  Attendance does not require a reservation & all are welcome.  Donation for the luncheon, which includes soft drinks and beer, is $10 per person; $5 for children 12 and under.  Mass is at 2 pm.  We'd be pleased to have you join us!
St. Clement of Rome
343 South Main Street
Romeo, Michigan  48065

Latest News 

Take a look at the Upcoming Events -- some of the events have been updated to include prices just agreed to at the last meeting.  You'll notice that some of the events say "All Day" event though they're not. We're still having issues with how the time feature works in our new website, so you'll have to read the text to find out the start time.  (Sorry, growing pains!)

Auf Geht's! GACC Picnic Sunday, August 10 

The German-American Cultural Center's (GACC) picnic is this Sunday, August 10.  Edelweiss Detroit will be dancing at the first band break, which will be about 1 or 1:30 pm.  Edelweiss dancers and musicians should plan to arrive by 12:30.  We'll also be taking part in the parade of flags.  The picnic is at the Austrian Park 15 56200 Hayes Road, Macomb Township.  It's between 25 and 26 Mile Roads.  Public is welcome!  Come join us, along with the other clubs that are part of the GACC, as we celebrate our wonderful heritage in a beautiful setting.  As always, plenty of good beer, good food, go

Members-Only Summer Picnic 

Our picnic is this Sunday, July 20.  It starts at 2 pm.  Please bring a dish to pass.  Club is supplying Wurst, soft drinks, beer.  Siasswasser Tanzlmusi will be playing--always a treat.  Admission is $5 each.  Friends & Guests are welcome.  Event is not open to the public.

Please note: The schedule on the right says 10 am.  Not sure why -- still trying to work out how to do things on our new website. --Karin


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