Welcome to GTEV Edelweiss's Website
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GTEV Edelweiss Detroit’s motto is "Treu dem guten alten Brauch" which translates to "True to the good old ways." We are a Bavarian heritage club from the metropolitan Detroit area preserving and perpetuating the customs, Tracht (ethnic costume), language, folk music, and folk dances of the southern state of Bavaria in Germany. Members of our ethnic society, founded in 1931, dress in traditional garb and sing, dance, and play authentic Bavarian music. We have performed in the U.S., Canada, and Germany.
Members of our family-oriented club have fun singing, dancing, and playing Bavarian music. Visitors of all ages are welcome at our practices, meetings, and events. Our music and/or dance groups can also be hired to play and dance at your events.
And just what does "GTEV" stand for? Gebirgstrachten-Erhaltungs-Verein, which translates as a club that preserves the costume of the mountainous regions (of Bavaria).
For more information, please contact us at info@edelweiss-detroit.org.